Elena Aldi
Writer – Teacher – Dancer
When trying to emerge from a hard time of my life, I found writing as a wonderful means to heal my pain and to understand who I am. Similar to dancing, writing made me experience the vastness of life and made me feel that I was an intimate part of the universe.
I am currently working on my third nonfiction book which provides new personal reflections on our contemporary lifestyles and how daily choices can help to empower us.
Gemme di luce (Gems of light)
Gemme di luce
BuyOrder my new nonfiction book, available in Italian here or contact me for a signed copy.
Gemme di luce was born from an unknown and primordial fear and in an entirely unexpected way it took over its own growth, as if it knew how to blossom: I have only been a channel.
The books’ purpose is to bring to the surface current controversial issues – among which our relationship with ourselves, with time and work, with the other and with the nature – to invite the readers to delve into themselves and reconsider their lifestyles, and to help transform fear into a creative force.
Gemme di luce encourages the reader to raise questions, to change perspective, to get involved. To face one’s own essence and to find the courage to shine again.

L’anima viola (Purple Soul)
L’anima viola
BuyOrder my auto-biographical journal, available in Italian here or contact me for a signed copy.
I started writing in 2009 for a simple reason: I was scared. There was nobody to speak to, I had many responsibilities and I had to keep going, to accomplish things, to be fully present.
Writing a few lines on the back of my agenda was much better than taking a sedative, going to the Church or boring a friend with my insecurities.
It was a moment of big changes and there writing appeared, it took me by my hand and helped me. Writing was a sort of miracle: it was working. I began to feel better, to become freer and less weighed down, to silence those noisy thoughts that used to make me so nervous and drained all my energies.
At that time, writing was already accompanying me on my trips through Italy and Europe and the notebook and the pen were always ready to support me during the challenges in realizing my dream: becoming a professional dancer.
The notebooks – at the moment of writing there are dozens and dozens – gathered the experiences, the encounters, the choices and the reflections of a very important stage of my life: the one during which I began to look inside myself, to listen to that subtle voice, whispering “have faith!”.
So, I began to be confident, to respect and love myself and others. Thus writing – as well as dancing – became my traveling companion.

“Dear Elena, after reading your book, I feel I must say thank you! Thank you for sharing your experiences, emotions and thoughts. They helped me in a very difficult time of my life. A moment of important choices and decisions … the pages became mine and they gave me the strength to decide and to move into action. Thank you.”
“Dearest Elena, I have just finished to read "Gemme di luce" and I am speachless. I could be your mother and, still, I find in you such awareness and wisdom that I could be your daughter. I read your book as a guide to draw inspiration from and to meditate, aware of your inner serenity that I am so longing for. It is not easy to reach, but it is possible also thanks to your precious teachings. Thank you, Elena.”