Elena Aldi

Writer – Teacher – Dancer

My yoga class is oriented at sensing one’s body and breath as they manifest in each moment.

There are no aims other than being present with the fullest of one’s being, without needing to demonstrate anything or pretending to be in a way that fits any predetermined vision. This attitude keeps the practice authentic and open to the unexpected, revealing the beauty and transformative power of what the practitioner is truly sensing.

My yoga class is respectful of the unique qualities and possibilities of each individual body, and makes sure to adapt to each person’s needs. Careful attention is also given to the posture and alignment of the body, as it is fundamental to keep it healthy if one is to be able to practice freely.

Between 2019 and 2020, I trained as a yoga and meditation teacher for kids (3-13 years old) according to the Balyayoga Method (100RYT). I am currently teaching yoga for kids for public schools in Mantova and during summer courses.

One of the key elements in a yoga class for kids is to play. A joyful and playful approach will captivate the kids, who will have the possibility to fully experience their body and breath.
Yoga is a precious moment for the kids to get in touch with their true selves: something that happens spontaneously, but that kids tend to lose while growing up, as they are forced into a doing rather than a being-oriented lifestyle. Since creativity and imagination are at the heart of the world of the kids, it is important to nourish their intrinsic capability to see what is beyond the realm of the material world.

In 2021, I started a collaboration with Corte Maddalena, a high intensity care therapeutic residency, to offer the people living there the opportunity to experience a true connection with their body and themselves, using the tools provided in each yoga lesson. The participants have been enthusiastic about this program, where a space of  authentic practice and self-exploration has been shared.

In 2020, I began a project at the Oncology Department of the main public hospital in Mantova to help support women experiencing side effects from breast cancer therapy, teaching them how to heal the body and soul with a loving and caring yoga practice.
I am grateful I had the opportunity to witness the benefits that the oncology patients received thanks to a more conscious contact with themselves and the creation of a safe and intimate space, where they could share their sensations and emotions. This experience has been incredibly powerful and nourishing for me.
I am available to collaborate with hospitals and other institutions which aim to support patients affected by cancer and other diseases.